Gender Based Marketing Segmentation 101 — How To Effectively Use Gender Marketing Without Stereotyping


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Write down a list of ways you can improve your marketing campaign. Does gender marketing make it to the list? If not, you are like many companies that under-estimating the power of gender based marketing segmentation.

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Before considering behavioral features in the process of buying of each gender, it is worth keeping in mind the known external features of the product. There are many products belonging to the category of “unisex”, but gradually their number is narrowing. Incorporating a specific design may distinguish that an item, such as clothing or gadgets, is meant for a certain gender. The color, size, shape of the tactile properties and some other rather abstract signs unambiguously indicate that this or that subject is meant for a certain gender, although the consumer qualities can still remain common. For example, women’s soap is usually oval, and the color is white or pastel pink (light green, golden, etc., options are possible). A man who positions himself as “macho” will not buy such a product, but if you give it a rectangular shape and a greyish shade, it will be just what you need. This also applies equally to a razor, which has a different grip but the cartridge is exactly the same. In general, almost any product can theoretically contain a certain gender message, which expands the design possibilities for a comprehensive coverage of the market.

Men Are Not From Mars…

Start studying the behavior of buyers, and think of what motivates them to buy an item. Combatting depression through shopping is often a trait associated with women. There is a popular opinion that without extreme necessity, it is almost impossible to for men to stand up from their couch and go shopping. These two contrasting beliefs are not proven facts. Based on research, a man goes shopping as often as a woman in order to buy necessary things. The man’s way of shopping is straight, like a rail. When he enters the store, he immediately rushes to the shelves to find whatever he needs. After browsing through the shelves and a short hesitation, he chooses what he thinks is best. And that’s all. A woman, on the other hand, finds enjoyment in shopping.

A Gift Of Shopping

Regardless of what she is going to buy, a vacuum cleaner or a new dress, one of the most important conditions of the process is the pleasure of buying, and it does not even mean the product itself, but the action. As a marketer, this behavior of men and women towards shopping is an essential fact to consider. If a man goes straight for the goal through the shortest way, that is, in a straight line, then the trajectory of the woman has, as a rule, a more convoluted configuration.

The Way We Buy

An American marketing theorist argued that a man will easily overpay for the goods he needs, and a woman is more often ready to buy at half the price a completely useless thing for her. This may not always be true, but this feature of gender psychology sellers often and successfully use. Statistics indicate that 61% of women visit 3 to 5 stores in search of the best option. As for men, they often form a certain image of their desired object and, after seeing it on the counter, they immediately buy it. For them, searching for alternatives is a waste of time.

The Power of Advice

A man does not want to look like he doesn’t know the product that he is considering to buy, even if he himself does not understand anything about it, and only completely outsiders become witnesses of the purchase. The subconscious fear of being called a “weakling” often leads to not seeking any help from sales consultants — which is actually really helpful in many cases. Women, on the other hand, are favorably distinguished by their receptivity to advise. They do not hesitate to ask again (and again), which rids them of many disappointments and misses. These observations, of course, do not mean that, at the sight of the man, the seller should ignore the buyer, but the help should be offered to him, that is, as delicately as possible.

The Straw That Breaks The Camel’s Back

Counseling during the purchase process is filled with men and women with different opinions. In this aspect, the representatives of the “stronger” sex show more pragmatism than when determining the optimal price: they are primarily interested in the quality of the product (the technical characteristics of electronic equipment or electrical appliances, the strength of clothing and footwear, etc.). Women are more emotional. For them, it is more important if they are treated as buyers, the reputation of the store and the prestige of the presented brand. These are very important for attracting regular customers, especially if they are provided with discounts.

Decision-making Process

Generally, men, after considering two versions of the desired object or after two trips to different stores in search of the same object, will certainly purchase either one. If the product suits them in quality and satisfies what they need it for, then there is no need for special alternatives. Women are looking for something ideal, or rather, the object, which is as close to what she wants as possible. In a marketer’s point of view, this could be very useful if, after the purchase, the buyer is tormented by doubts about the correctness of her choice. There is no limit to perfection, and hence sales will continue.

Loyalty Programs

Gender marketing has a stronger impact on maintaining a constant clientele among women. The roots of this technique are based on what motivates a buyer, his/her reputation and personal relationships with sellers. The goals of a male buyer are utilitarian: he goes to the store for the goods, and not to make a favorable impression on anyone. A female buyer plays a big role in personal understanding arising in the course of the communicative process. This feeling requires constant recharge of trust relationships expressed in moral and sometimes material incentives (discounts, coupons for the next purchase, etc.)

Closing Remarks

In our age of universal tolerance, even a sincere desire to search for the most balanced gender approaches in marketing can, in some cases, lead to unfortunate incidents. From the point of view of feminism, every emphasis on sex differences can provoke protest and reproach in sexism, so any measures of differentiating goods and technology sales on the basis of gender should be done with caution, and best of all discreetly. In other words, it is desirable that the buyer does not feel that he is serviced in this way because he is a woman or a man. This is really not so difficult. It is enough that any visitor is always treated politely and attentively, which does not contradict the classical principles of trade. It is necessary to know about the peculiarities of gender behavior, they must be taken into account, but it is not at all necessary to openly declare their differences. In the end, they create competitive advantages.



Alex Zbooker — Founder of datasetsDB

Serial Entrepreneur. Founder of, Scholar. Expert in Data Analytics, Marketing Segmentation, Growth Hacking and Data Science.